Bipolar Disorder

Introduction to Depression and Bipolar Depression

Bipolar disorder is a treatable medical illness marked by extreme changes in mood, thought, energy and behavior. It is also known as manic depression because a person’s mood can alternate between mania and depression. This change in mood (or “mood swing”) can last for hours, days, weeks or even months. […]

Bipolar Disorder

Helping a Friend or Family Member

Helping a Friend or Family Member with Depression or Bipolar Disorder Mood disorders such as bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression) and depression affect millions of people. Their family members and friends are affected too. […]

Bipolar Disorder

Psychotherapy- How it Works

Support Alliance We’ve been there. We can help. If you or someone you know is experiencing mood swings, persistent sadness or anxiety, or having trouble sleeping or eating, you might have decided it’s time to seek […]

Bipolar Disorder

SGV Depression and Bipolar Support

More than 20 million American adults live with depression, or an estimated 10% of the U.S. population. 2.3 million live with bipolar disorder. If you’re suffering from bipolar disorder or depression, you’re simply not alone. In women ages 40-59, 1 in 4 are now taking antidepressants.

So what can you do? One key tool with remarkable efficacy are support groups, and there’s a real science behind this. It is a means to deal with a largely genetic condition by creating an environment that changes gene expression. […]